This week, we talked to Wendy High from Elevated and Rising. She’s a blogger who speaks about her lived experience and her spiritual journey.
Q: We like to start with asking you about your career trajectory to this point. How has your journey been until this point?
A: I decided to write about my experiences after going through drug addiction, prison and then a spiritual awakening unlike any I’ve heard about.
Q: What are your current projects?
A: I have an invention in the works, which is a heck of a process and I’m working on a book titled “Dear Wendy, it’s me God” that tells part of my awakening story. I try to blog daily and it turns out to be just about every other day.
Q: What effect has blogging had on your life?
A: It has opened up my life to a whole new community and a way to release and process my experiences as well as read other bloggers stories and connect with them as well. It is such a great outlet, parallel to nothing else, I believe.
Q: What goals do you have for your blog? Why?
A: My goal initially was to just get some of my stories, experiences and all of the amazing things that have happened and continue to happen in my life in writing and
What is your ultimate goal with your blog on a grand scale?
A: I want to reach more of an audience and eventually take a few of them to book status. I just want to share my experiences and new thought process with the world because I believe in a peaceful and compassionate future.
Q: If you had to give one piece of advice to people thinking about getting into blogging, what would it be?
A: Connect with other bloggers – read and give feedback and you’ll get it in return. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself but figure out the right amount that keeps yourself motivated. Don’t give up. It’ll be worth it.
Once again, if you want to find out more about Wendy and her mission at elevatedandrising.blog.