This week, we’re back again with our Blogger Spotlight series. This week we spoke with Timothy Etheridge, a sports and Star Wars blogger (what a combo!) If you want to check out his work, you can at EyesOnTheBall.blog and TheCanonPadawan.com. And now, let’s get to it.
Q: What has been your journey to this point?
A: I’ve always loved sports: watching, playing and talking about them, but I’ve not always had people to speak to about them especially in person, which meant that I’d find my mind full to bursting. I started Eyes On The Ball in March 2016 and things have gone from strength to strength on there, which led to me expanding to write about a show called the Movie Trivia
Q: What are you working on now?
A: With the 6 Nations rugby tournament about to start, I’m preparing to have a busy couple of months writing my thoughts from the games so that will keep me pretty busy, while on The Canon Padawan I am doing a series of episode reviews for the show Star Wars Resistance as it airs.
Q: What kind of Effect has blogging had on your life?
A: It’s had a great impact on my life! Posting online has actually resulted in me getting back in contact with an old friend who saw my links on social media and we’re now speaking regularly after almost 10 years of not seeing each other! I’ve also had a great opportunity as my posts about the Schmoe down have led to me being invited to write on the official website, which went
Q: What goals do you have for your blog? Why?
A: Last year I set some goals about improving my views and I smashed my target out the park, mainly due to expanding into the Schmoeodown content. With much of that content now going on their website rather than my blog, and with The Canon Padawan now getting more regular content, I know that my views on Eyes On The Ball are likely to drop this year, so my 2019 goals are all about putting out the best quality content I can and using this year as a chance to develop myself as a blogger.
Q: What is your ultimate goal with your blog? Your ideal endgame?
A. It’s not really something I’ve thought about much, this was just a hobby and a way to clear my mind. I’ve been really enjoying myself though and with some changes coming in my life over the next couple of years, I wouldn’t rule out at least considering writing as a career option in the about some.
Q: If you had to give one piece of advice to people thinking about getting into blogging, what would it be?
A. Go for it! Dive in head first! I put off doing it for so long and now I wish I’d started earlier! Nobody is expecting your blog to be perfect, so just start writing and see how everything develops over time. But most importantly: don’t judge yourself by the number of views you get or compare yourself to other bloggers, focus instead on being happy with the quality of content you’re putting out.