Picture provided by Suzy Rosenstein
This week we’re back with a new entry in the Our Blogging Life community spotlight series. Today we have an interview with Suzy Rosenstein, the podcasting, blogger extraordinaire with a positive message about some of the transitions we face in life. In this series we spotlight incredible bloggers from the community and give a few short questions to learn more about them. Here we go.
Q: What has been your journey to this point?
A: I was always fascinated by human behavior – why we do the things we do. My MA in Applied Social Psychology started me off in a career path that worked for me for many years. However…the layoff notice I received in 2013 was the best gift ever. I had been working in health promotion and educational publishing for 27 years and while it was rewarding, I had just been doing the same thing for too long.
I was also feeling like I was in a classic midlife funk with my kids heading out of the nest and my 50th birthday around the corner. Spinning in confusion, I hired a life coach and that’s when my own life began to change. I decided to dive into life coaching completely and am now beside myself with my new career.
I trained at The Life Coach School and after becoming a Master Coach, I also became an instructor there as well. I’m basically on a mission to help amazing midlife women get excited about their lives again! I’m having more fun and am more fulfilled than ever before. I love knowing I have solid skills that actually help people make the changes they are desperate to make. Midlife really is a stage of life FULL of transition and most of us know that change like this can be scary. But, life is short so you really owe it to yourself and your family to be as happy, present and engaged in your life, your work and your community as possible!
Q: What are some of your projects?
A: I started Suzy’s Empty Nest Blog in 2015 and the Women in the
Middle Podcast in 2017.
Q: So what is your ultimate goal?
A: To help as many midlife women unstick their lives as possible, so they do everything they can to regret-proof their lives to happiness.
Me: I wanted to thank you for participating in this series.
Suzy: Yes, thank you for the opportunity.
If you want to learn more about Suzy or her amazing projects you can find her on Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook, or, of course, her website. And if you’d like to participate in this series you can by getting in contact with the OBL team at Ourblogginglife1915@gmail.com.