Picture acquired from karenrobinsononline.com.

Q: What has your journey been like to this point?

A: Many years in the Education sector as a School Business Manager. Used to love my job but changes to my role caused by the drive to Academy status caused so much stress that a couple of years ago I took early retirement at age 57. Soon found out that no matter how big your pension pot, it is never big enough! With savings all gone, I had to look for some wort of work but didn’t want to go back to working for someone else again so looked for ways to work from home & make some money to supplement my meager pension.

I love writing, so blogging seemed just right for me. I’d gone through a long and symptom-heavy menopause and couldn’t get enough information (not even from my GP – they just dealt with individual symptoms I presented with and didn’t look at the bigger picture). My blog was crying out to be written to address menopause and midlife issues.
Q: What are you working on now?
A: Currently I’m focused on menopause & midlife blogs at https://menopauseonline.co.uk. BUT I’m also setting up a brand new venture at https://karenrobinsononline.com to help women aged 45+ who may or may not want to leave their jobs but still have a dream of working for themselves. There will be a lot of blogs, articles/pdf’s, ‘How to…” videos, courses, ebooks, and so on. Lot’s of “I’ve made these mistakes so you don’t have to”
I’m very excited about this project! There are lots of women – from the hobbyist/creative who would like just a small side income to the full-blown ‘want to be an entrepreneur’ type (like me) who don’t have a clue where to start/have started but got stuck.
It was a pleasure to hear from Karen. If you’d like to read more about her and her work you can find her at the following links:
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