My minor son who is 3.5 years old is US citizen by birth. Me and my wife moved back to India last year. Now son has been detected with ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) and we need to travel to Canada for his treatment. Can anybody suggest what documents are required to get the visa?
You might not know this but there are over 60 different routes to Canada. Each of these pathways has specific requirements and eligibility criteria that need to be met if you would like to immigrate to Canada. Maybe you don’t want to immigrate, maybe you just want to visit or experience a working holiday in the Great White North. If that is the case, getting to Canada may be easier.
hello there. I got canadian visa and premission for work few weeks ago. I contacted with immigration services edmonton during visa preparing process. If you want to immigrate to Canada, then you will have to get to know the Provincial Nomination Programs (PNPs). Nearly all of Canada’s provinces and territories have their own variation (with multiple subcategories) of this program. PNPs enable provinces and territories to nominate people, who have the skillset and work experience needed in the province, to apply for permanent residence if they agree to living and working in the province for a certain amount of time.